
4BOperational Overview
5.1.5 Digital Mixer Outputs
The 16 output signals of the digital mixer are
derived from 16 four-input submixers. The
Record Bus and Play Bus feed the submixer
inputs, which each have an associated selector
(labeled Monitor Select in the diagram) and
volume control. The submixers use 40-bit
accumulators to maintain signal accuracy. The
output of the submixers are dithered to 24-bits
using triangular PDF dither and then measured
for peak level metering in the Lynx Mixer
This architecture allows each digital mixer
output to be a mix of up to four signals derived
from any AES16 input or any play device
receiving data from a host application in
playback mode. The benefits of this architecture
include the ability to:
¾ Route any input to any or all outputs
¾ Route any play device data from an
application to any or all outputs
¾ Mix any input with any play device for
recording monitoring
¾ Create sub mixes for digital effect sends
Since all mixing and routing is hardware-based,
so called “zero latency” is achieved.
Software control of the digital mixer outputs is
provided in the Outputs window of the Lynx
Mixer application. The Monitor Select function
in the diagram corresponds to the Output
Monitor Source buttons in the Mixer. The
volumes controls for the submixer inputs are
below these buttons. The master fader on the
Outputs window of the Mixer adjusts all of the
submixer input volumes. Mute and dither
controls are also provided for each channel on
this window. The dither button enables the
output TPDF dither.
5.1.6 Physical Outputs
The physical outputs of the AES16 include eight
AES-3 signals and the output of the LStream
port. As shown in Figure 4, the 16 channels of
the Output Bus derived from the output
submixers feed the physical outputs. Since there
are 32 physical outputs (16 AES-3, 16 LStream)
and only 16 signals on the Output Bus, data sent
to the LStream output mimics data sent to the
AES-3 outputs.
An AES-3 transmitter followed by an isolation
transformer converts Output Bus signals to AES-
3 signals.
An LStream transmitter formats data for the
LStream output port. To provide more routing
flexibility the “1-8 / 9-16 Select” function shown
in the diagram allows routing of output signals to
a bank of eight LStream channels. Output Bus
signals 1-8 can be routed to LStream channels 9-
16 if desired.
AES16 User Manual 41