User`s manual

Kaleido-ALTO/QUAD | 23
6 Channels, Layouts and Alarms Management
The channels, layouts and alarm conditions are defined using the K-Edit software. A channel is an
ensemble of signals that drives a monitor. It includes some or all of the following: video, audio, tallies,
UMDs, text labels and status. Layouts are designed to use and display this information conveniently. The
channels, layouts and alarms created with K-Edit may be uploaded to the Kaleido-Alto/Quad internal hard
disk as sets to suit different applications; this library of channels may then be used by the Kaleido-
Alto/Quad to be displayed on the multi-image output.
These pre-defined sets of layouts may be activated using the Open Layout control panel. Channels and
alarms are loaded through layouts. Click the Open icon button in the toolbar to access the Open Layout
panel. In this panel figures the list of available layouts, and two additional folders for the Alarms and
Channels. Selecting an item and clicking OK will load it and display it on-screen.
Figure 6.1 Open Layout Panel
When changes are made to the monitors, such as renaming or input re-assignment, these layout-type
changes can be saved as well. Click the Save icon button on the toolbar; the Save Copy As panel will
appear. Assign a name to the layout and click OK to save. Note that you can create new folders to store
layouts that have been modified.
Figure 6.3 Save Copy As panel
7 Andromeda Port Settings
The Andromeda port settings are set by default to:
BaudRate 9600
Parity no
Handshake False