Installation Instructions

SMP1024Xseries - 3 -
4. Connectdevicestobepowered:
a. For Power Supply Board connect to the terminals marked [--- DC +].
b. For Power Distribution Module(s) connect devices to be powered to the terminal pairs 1 to 4 marked
[1P & 1N] through [4P & 4N] (Fig. 2, pg. 4), 1 to 8 marked [1P & 1N] through [8P & 8N] (Fig. 3, pg. 4),
or 1 to 16 marked [1P & 1N] through [16P & 16N] (Fig. 5, pg. 5) carefully observing correct polarity.
5. When using stand-by batteries, they must be lead acid or gel type. Connect battery to the terminals marked [--- BAT +]
(battery leads included), (Fig. 1, pg. 4 or Fig. 4, pg. 5).
6. ForSupervisedModelsOnly:
Connect appropriate signaling notification devices to AC Fail & Low Bat supervisory relay outputs marked
[N.O.,C,N.C.](Fig. 1a, pg. 4, Fig. 4a, pg. 5).
LED Diagnostics:
OLS250/OLS257 - Power Supply Board
Red (DC) Green (AC) Power Supply Status
ON ON Normal operating condition.
ON OFF Loss of AC. Stand-by battery supplying power.
OFF ON No DC output.
OFF OFF Loss of AC. Discharged or no stand-by battery. No DC output.
PD4/PD4CB/PD8/PD8CB - Power Distribution Module
Green Power Distribution Module Status
ON Normal operating condition.
Terminal Identification:
OLS250/OLS257 - Power Supply Board
Terminal Legend Function/Description
L, G, N Connect115VACtotheseterminals:LtoHot,NtoNeutral,Gtoground(ifused).
--- DC + 24VDC @ 10 amp total supply current.
Used to notify loss of AC power, e.g. connect to audible device or alarm panel. Relay normally
energized when AC power is present. Contact rating 1 amp @ 120VAC / 28VDC.
*Low Battery
Used to indicate low battery condition, e.g. connect to alarm panel. Relay normally energized
when DC power is present.
--- BAT + Stand-bybatteryconnections.Maximumchargerate0.7amp.
PD4/PD4CB/PD8/PD8CB - Power Distribution Module
Terminal Legend
1P to 4P 1P to 8P 1P to 16P Positive DC power outputs.
1N to 4N 1N to 8N 1N to 16N Negative DC power outputs.