User's Manual

Chapter 3 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI NPU Configuration
4Motion 379 System Manual
3.3.15 Configuring the 4Motion Shelf
The 4Motion shelf comprises the following components:
NPU card: Serves as the shelf controller that manages and monitors all the
shelf components. In addition, it provides backbone Ethernet connectivity via
The DATA port. The shelf is designed to contain one active and one redundant
NPU card.
AU: Is responsible for wireless network connection establishment and for
bandwidth management. The shelf can contain up to 7 AUs, with a maximum
of 6 operational AUs.
PSU: A Power Supply Unit that accepts power from the PIU(s) and provides
+5V,+3.3V, +/-12V DC outputs. The shelf can contain up to four PSUs
providing N+1 redundancy.
PIU: The PIU filters and stabilizes the input power and protects the system
from power problems such as over voltage, surge pulses, reverse polarity
connection and short circuits. It also filters high frequency interference
(radiated emissions) and low frequency interference (conducted emissions) to
the external power source. Each shelf contains two slots for an optional 1+1
PIU redundancy. One PIU is sufficient to support a fully populated shelf. Two
PIU modules provide redundant power feeding (two input sources) while
avoiding current flow between the two input sources.
GPS: An external GPS receiver is used to synchronizes the air link frames of
Intra-site and Inter-site located sectors to ensure that in all sectors the air
frame will start at the same time, and that all sectors will switch from transmit
(downlink) to receive (uplink) at the same time. This synchronization is
necessary to prevent Intra-site and Inter-site sectors interference and
saturation (assuming that all sectors are operating with the same frame size
and with the same DL/UL ratio).
AVU: Includes a 1U high integral chamber for inlet airflow and a 1U high fan
tray with an internal alarm module. The AVU comprises 10 brush-less fans,
where 9 fans are sufficient for cooling a fully loaded chassis.
NPU redundancy is not supported in the current release.