User's Manual

Chapter 3 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs
4Motion 623 System Manual
ul-mednoise <(-10 to
30 StepSize 1)>
The uplink median noise
level represents the
median value of the noise
floor histogram.If the
uplink median noise level
exceeds the value
calculated as the target
noise and interference
level for the PUSC zone
(pusc parameter, see
Section plus
the value of the
ul-mednoise parameter,
an excessive uplink
median noise alarm will be
The value is in dBm.
Optional -122 -135 to -100
ul-99prcntnoise <(-10
to 30 StepSize 1)>
The uplink 99% noise
level represents the 99%
value of the noise floor
histogram.If the uplink
99% noise level exceeds
the value calculated as
the target noise and
interference level for the
PUSC zone (pusc
parameter, see
Section plus
the value of the
parameter, an excessive
uplink 99% percentile
noise alarm will be
The value is in dBm.
Optional -125 -135 to -100
p-thr <(1 to
1000 StepSize
1)> ]
Threshold for Excessive
DL Dropped Packets
Ratio for Best Effort (in
Optional 1000 1 - 1000
p-thr <(1 to
1000 StepSize
1)> ]
Threshold for Excessive
DL Dropped Packets
Ratio for Real Time(in
Optional 1000 1 - 1000