User Manual

Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Troubleshooting
4Motion 826 System Manual
“Configuring Trace Levels” on page 826
“Disabling Module-level Tracing” on page 827
“Displaying Trace Levels” on page 828 Configuring Trace Levels
To specify the trace level (brief or detailed) for each module, run the following
npu(config)# trace level
Mgr}] {Brief|Detailed}
The parameters in this command correspond to the system modules/procedures
listed in the following table:
Specify the module name if you want to configure the trace level separately for this
module. If you do not specify the name of the module, the trace level that you
configure in this command is applied to all modules.
For example, run the following command if you want logs to be created for WiMAX
signaling protocols when the trace level configured to Detailed:
npu(config)# trace level SIGASN Detailed
By default, module-level tracing is disabled.
Table 4-46: Modules for which Tracing can be Enabled
Parameter Refers to...
StartupMgr System startup procedures
SWDownload Software upgrade procedures
FaultMgr Fault management procedures
ShelfMgr Shelf management procedures
SIGASN WiMAX signaling protocols
UserIF User-initiated procedures
AUMgr Internal processes used for managing AU
PerfMgr Performance management procedures