User Manual

Appendix B - Software Upgrade Upgrading the AU
4Motion 855 System Manual
B.3.1.2 Step 2: Downloading the AU Image to the NPU Flash
After the TFTP server is configured, run the following command to download the
AU image (to be used for software upgrade) to the NPU flash:
npu(config)# Download AU image <AU image name>
After you execute this command, the AU image is downloaded to the NPU flash.
The NPU flash can store a maximum of three AU images. If you download a new AU image to the
NPU flash, the oldest image (that is not used for any mapping) is overwritten. To delete an AU
image that is used for mapping, you must first delete the AU-to-image mapping. For details, refer to
“Deleting the AU-to-Image Mapping” on page 863. It is recommended that you frequently
delete AU images that are no longer required, from the NPU flash. For details, refer to
“Displaying Images Residing in the AU Flash” on page 865.
An error may occur if you execute this command when:
Another software download is already in progress.
The AU image to be downloaded is already residing in the NPU flash.
The TFTP server is not configured. For more information about configuring the TFTP server,
refer to
“Step 1: Configuring the TFTP Server” on page 854.
The shadow image name that you have specified does not exist.
All the AU images residing in the NPU flash are mapped to an AU slot. Any image that is
mapped to an AU slot cannot be deleted or overwritten.
npu(config)# Download AU image <AU image name>
Parameter Description Presence Default
<AU image
Denotes the name of the AU
image that is to be
downloaded from the TFTP
server to the NPU flash.
Mandatory N/A Valid image