User Manual

Appendix B - Software Upgrade Upgrading the AU
4Motion 860 System Manual
B.3.2 Displaying the Shadow, Running, and
Operational Versions
You can, at any time (during or after the software download procedure), run the
following command to view the shadow, running, and operational versions used
for the AU:
npu# show software version au [<au slot-id>]
Specify the AU slot ID, if you want to view the software version for a specific AU
slot. Do not specify the AU slot ID if you want to view the software versions used
for all AU slots.
Parameter Description Presence Default
[<au slot-id>] Denotes the slot ID of the AU
to be rebooted with the image
residing in the AU flash.
If you do not specify a value
for this parameter, the image
is used to reboot all AUs.
Optional N/A 1, 2, 3 4, 7, 8, 9
image name>
Denotes the name of the AU
image to be used for
rebooting the AU. If you do
not specify the name of the
shadow image, the AU
reboots with the shadow
image residing in the AU
Mandatory N/A Valid shadow
image name
Global configuration mode
The operational version is the default software version that is used for rebooting the AU after AU
The shadow version is the downloaded software version that you can use to boot the AU. However,
the next time the system is reset, it is the operational software version that is used to boot the NPU.
The running version is the software version (is either the operational or shadow version) that is
currently running on the system.