User Manual

4Motion Configuration Using AlvariSTAR Pre-Configuration Requirements
Parameter Value
Bit per second 115200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control Xon/Xoff
The default login ID and password are:
Login ID: root
Password: admin123
2. Show Software Versions
Before you start ensure that you have the correct software files available
on the NPU card.
¾ Show NPU versions
npu# show software version npu
¾ Show au versions
npu# sh au image repository
3. Make the shadow version operational.
This operation is performed only when that correct NPU version is
located at the NPU's shadow
npu(config)# switchover npu
On the AU:
npu(config)# load to au [<au slot-id>] shadow <shadow image name>
4. Clear the current NPU configuration
Before you start, it is recommended to clean any existing configuration.
All existing configuration will be deleted, including AU mapping and SW versions.
npu# restore-factory-default
The restore-factory-default command automatically performs NPU reset.
4Motion - DN1031 2