User Manual

4Motion 914 System Manual
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A protocol for dynamically assigning IP
addresses from a pre-defined list to nodes on a network. Using DHCP to manage IP
addresses simplifies client configuration and efficiently utilizes IP addresses.
DL Down Link
DSCP Differentiated Service Code Point, AKA DiffServ: An alternate use for the ToS byte in
IP packets. Six bits of this byte are being reallocated for use as the DSCP field
where each DSCP specifies a particular per-hop behavior that is applied to the
DNS Domain Naming System. A system that stores information about hostnames and
domain names. DNS provides an IP address for each hostname, and lists the e-mail
exchange servers accepting e-mail addresses for each domain.
DoS Denial of Service
DSL Digital Subscriber Line. A technology that exploits unused frequencies on copper
telephone lines to transmit traffic typically at multi-megabit speeds. DSL can allow
voice and high-speed data to be sent simultaneously over the same line. Because
the service is 'always available,' end-users don't need to dial in or wait for call set-up.
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol, A protocol used between a user station and an
authenticator or authentication server. It acts as a transport for authentication
methods or types. It, in turn may be encapsulated in other protocols, such as 802.1x
and RADIUS. EAP is defined by RFC 2284.
EDT Electrical Down-Tilt
EIRP Equavalent Isotropic Radiated Power. The apparent power transmitted towards the
receiver, if it is assumed that the signal is radiated equally in all directions. The EIRP
is equal to the power (in dBm) at the antenna port, plus the power gained from the
directivity of the antenna (in dBi).
EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility. The capability of equipment or systems to be used in
their intended environment within designed efficiency levels without causing or
receiving degradation due to unintentional EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference). EMC
generally encompasses all of the electromagnetic disciplines.
EMS Element Management System. An element management system (EMS) manages
one or more of a specific type of telecommunications network element (NE).
Typically, the EMS manages the functions and capabilities within each NE but does
not manage the traffic between different NEs in the network.
EN Abbreviation for "European Norm".
ERT-VR Extended Real-Time Variable Rate. Service supporting real-time applications with
variable bit rates that require guaranteed data rate, delay and low jitter, such as
ETS European Telecommunications Standard