User Manual

Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing Sectors
4Motion 775 System Manual
» The configured frequency is within the valid range defined by the required
ODU type in the specified ODU object and the bandwidth parameter.
» The Operator ID is the same as Operator ID configured for previously
associated BSs.
» In all tables that includes only non-mandatory parameters at least one
parameter has been configured.
» Wherever needed, the apply command has been executed.
The specified AU object exists (see Section 4.5).
The specified ODU object exists (the mandatory parameters required-type and
txpower for port 1 have been configured). The configured txpower is within the
valid range for the required ODU type (see Section 4.6).
The Antenna object exists (the mandatory heading parameter has been
configured). The specified Antenna Port No. is within the range defined by the
no-of-ports parameter (see Section 4.7).
The Sector object exists (mandatory parameters have been configured). The
defined sector-name is unique in the site (shelf).
An ODU Port (combination of ODU No. and ODU Port No.) cannot appear in
more than one entry.
An AU Port (combination of AU Slot No. and AU Port No.) cannot appear in
more than one entry.
An Antenna Port (combination of Antenna No. and Antenna Port No.) cannot
appear in more than one entry.
A specific Antenna can only be associated with a single Sector.
In the current release, a specific BS can only be associated with a single AU,
and vice versa (If BS 66053 is associated with AU 1, BS 66053 cannot be
associated with another AU, and AU 1 cannot be associated with another BS). Deleting a Sector Association Entry
Run the following command to delete a Sector Association entry: