User Manual

BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 9-2 User’s Guide
9.1.2. Supported Traps
The following traps are implemented by BreezeNET PRO.11 units. All
BreezeNET PRO.11 units with enabled Trap Sending will send traps to the
network’s designated managers. The traps can be viewed and filtered using
To enable/disable Trap Sending for a device, use the IP and SNMP
Parameters menu (see section 3.4.2).
The following table lists the traps implemented by BreezeCOM PRO.11
Trap Variables Description
brzAProamingIn brzTrapSTAMacAddr A station has roamed into this AP coverage area. The trap
contains the MAC address of the associated station.
brzAPassociated brzTrapSTAMacAddr A new station is associated with this AP. The trap contains
the MAC address of the associated station.
brzAPdisassociated brzTrapSTAMacAddr A station has disassociated itself from this AP. The trap
contains the MAC address of the associated station.
brzAPaging brzTrapSTAMacAddr A station association was aged out and removed from this
AP. The trap contains the MAC address of the aged-out
brzAProamedout brzTrapSTAMacAddr A station has roamed out of this AP’s range. The trap
contains the MAC address of the station that roamed out.
brzSTAassociated brzLastAPMacAddr
A station has become associated with, or roamed to, a new
AP. The trap contains the MAC address and average RSSI
level of the new AP (TrapAPMac and TrapRssiQuality
variables). If the station has been roaming, the MAC
address of the old AP and the RSSI level prior to roaming
are also provided (LastAPMacAddr and LastRssiQuality
variables). For an association, the second address appears
as all zeros.
brzWlanStatus brzTrapToggle
The wireless media condition has changed. An ON value is
sent when the wireless LAN quality for a station or AP drops
below the WLAN trap threshold. An OFF value is sent if the
quality improves beyond the threshold. The current value of
wireless LAN quality is also sent.
brzWlanStatusOfStation brzTrapToggle
The quality of the wireless connection to the AP has
changed. An ON value is sent when the connection goes
lower than the predetermined threshold. An OFF value is
sent when the quality improves above the threshold. The
brzTrapMacAddress variable contains the MAC address of
the applicable station.
brzGeneral brzTrapIndex
For future use.