User Manual

Device Setup and Management
BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 3-7 User’s Guide
SNMP Traps – Whether this unit sends SNMP traps. If enabled, when
an event occurs, a trap is sent to the defined host address (see section
8.1.2 for a list of traps). You can configure the host address to which the
traps are sent through SNMP management.
Display Current Values – Displays information concerning the current
status of all IP-related items.
3.4.3. Wireless LAN (WLAN) Parameters
The WLAN Parameters Menu contains the following options:
Hopping Sequence (AP Only) – Hopping sequence of the unit.
A hopping sequence is a pre-defined series of channels (frequencies) that
are used in a specific, pseudo-random order as defined in the sequence.
The unit “hops” from frequency to frequency according to the selected
sequence. When more than one AP is co-located in the same area (even
if they are not part of the same network) it is recommended to assign a
different hopping sequence to each AP.
Hopping sequences are grouped in three hopping sets. The hopping set
selected in the Hopping Set screen (see next parameter) determines
which hopping sequences are available in this screen. When setting up
multiple APs in the same site, always choose hopping sequences from
the same hopping set. This reduces the possibility of collisions on the
This parameter is set only in AP-10 PRO.11 Access Point. It is not
accessible from any other BreezeNET PRO.11 unit. All other stations
learn it from the Access Point during the association process. Different
co-located WLAN segments should use different hopping sequences.
Hopping Set (AP Only) – Hopping set (between 1 and 3) of the unit.
Hopping sequences are grouped in several hopping sets. The hopping set
selected in this screen determines which hopping sequences are available
in the Hopping Sequence screen (see previous parameter). Always use
the same hopping set per site.
Following is the list of hopping sequences and sets for each country.
The default value for all countries is: