User Manual

Device Setup and Management
BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 3-14 User’s Guide
this menu, Max. Number of Re-Transmissions and Number of Dwells to
Re-Transmit. This parameter can be presented as a counter. This counter
is decreased each time a re-transmission occurs. It will be the minimum
number of times a packet will be re-transmitted.
Number of Dwells to Re-Transmit (read-only) A re-transmission will
be performed after a set number of Dwells. This parameter works in
conjunction with the Max Number of Re-Transmissions parameter.
Max Multicast Rate (read-only) Multicast and Broadcast transmissions
are not yet acknowledged, the chance of error increases. Therefore by
default, the unit will always transmit broadcasts, multicasts and control
frames in the minimum possible rate, 1Mbps.
Power Saving – This option is not activated yet.
There are three modes:
Disable (Active Mode): The station is Active all the time, uses full
Enable (Power Save Mode): In this mode the station has two states:
Awake state, uses full power. Doze (sleep) state, uses
approximately 5% power.
Enable and test PM bit. In this mode the station will test every frame
and check if the power management bit is enabled.
Power Management Mechanism:
Stations inform AP about their Power Management Mode (Active or
Power Save). Stations in Power Save Mode are usually in sleep state. A
station will enter awake state in order to transmit data and also from
time to time in known intervals (DTIM period). AP’s maintain a table
indicating the Power Save mode of each associated station. Data
destined for Active Mode stations is sent immediately by AP. Data
destined for Power Save Mode stations is buffered by AP. Every
Beacon includes TIM (Traffic Identification Map). TIM identifies the
stations (by SID) of data buffered in the AP, waiting to be retrieved. If
a station recognizes its address in the TIM, the station will send a PS-
POLL (Power Save Poll) to the AP. In response to this, the AP will
forward a data frame buffered for that station.
Aging: If a data frame is buffered in the AP more than 50 seconds, it
will be deleted along with all other frames buffered for that station.