User Manual

BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 8-7 User’s Guide
Wireless LAN Topology
Wireless LANs allow workstations to communicate and to access the
network using radio propagation as the transmission medium. Wireless
LANs can be connected to existing wired LANs as an extension, or can
form the basis of a new network. While adaptable to both indoor and
outdoor environments, wireless LANs are especially suited to indoor
locations such as office buildings, manufacturing floors, hospitals and
The basic building block of the wireless LAN is the Cell. This is the area in
which wireless communication takes place. The coverage area of a cell
depends on the strength of the propagated radio signal and the type and
construction of walls, partitions and other physical characteristics of the
indoor environment. PC-based workstations, notebook and pen-based
computers can move freely in the cell.