User's Manual

Introduction To The BreezeNET PRO.11 Series
BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 1-10 User’s Guide
1.5.1. Quick Review of Ethernet
Standard Ethernet LAN stations are wired to a common bus. When one of
the stations sends a message, it assigns a destination address to the message
and sends the message on the bus. All stations on the bus “hear” the
message, but only the station with the proper address processes the message.
1.5.2. Startup Procedure
When wireless units (other than AP-10) start up, they scan the frequencies
for an AP-10. If an active AP-10 is in range, the units synchronize with it.
The addresses associated with the units are registered in the AP-10 (the
registration process is different for each unit type). From then on, the units
can send and receive messages to and from the wired LAN.
1.5.3. AP-10 Access Point
The AP-10 Access Point is connected to a wired Ethernet LAN, and it keeps
a list of known stations on its wireless side. When an AP-10 “hears” a
message that is destined for a wireless station, the AP-10 forwards the
message wirelessly to the station. If the message has a destination address
that the AP-10 does not recognize, the AP-10 ignores the message.
The AP-10 is constantly “listening” for wireless messages as well. When the
AP-10 “hears” a wireless message destined for another wireless unit, it
relays the message directly to the wireless unit without forwarding the
message to the wired LAN. When the AP-10 “hears” a wireless message
whose destination it does not recognize (since it does not keep a list of
known stations on its wired side), it forwards the message to the wired
LAN. Messages cannot be sent directly between wireless stations without an
AP-10 to relay the message.
1.5.4. SA-10 Station Adapter
The SA-10 station adapter is connected to a station’s network card. When
the station sends a message, the SA-10 wirelessly forwards it to the AP-10.
And when the AP-10 receives a message destined for the station, it
wirelessly forwards the message to the SA-10.
The first time the station sends a message, the station’s address is registered
in the AP-10. The AP-10 keeps only the first address for each SA-10, so the
SA-10 will not work properly if connected to more than one station.