User's Manual

Device Setup and Management
BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 3-6 User’s Guide
its WLAN MAC address. The AP does not forward packets to the
station when it is in this mode.
Associated - The station is associated with an AP and has adopted
the attached PC MAC address (for SA-10) or uses the unit’s H/W
address (SA-40 and WB-10), and is receiving packets from the LAN.
AP Address (Station Only) – MAC Address of the AP with which the
unit is currently associated.
Total Number of Associations since last reset – Total number of
stations currently associated with an AP.
Current Number of Associations (AP Only) – Total number of
stations currently associated with an AP.
Maximum Number of Associations since last reset (AP Only – For
stations, this indicates the total number of associations and
disassociations with various AP’s. This is usually an indication of
roaming. When the unit is an AP, this field indicates how many stations
are currently associated with this particular AP.
Current Number of Authentications (AP Only) – The current number
of stations that are authenticated to this AP, including stations that are
“pre-authenticated” and not associated to this AP.
Maximum Number of Authentications since last reset (AP Only) –
The number of authentications (and “preauthentications”) to this AP;
since it was last reset. This number includes stations that were
disauthenticated for different reasons.
3.4.2. IP and SNMP Parameters
All BreezeNET PRO.11 units contain IP Host software. This software is
used for testing the unit for SNMP management functions and for
downloading software upgrades using the TFTP protocol.
IP Address – IP address of the unit.
Subnet Mask – Subnet mask of the unit.
Default Gateway Address – Gateway address of the unit.
SNMP Traps – Whether this unit sends SNMP traps. If enabled, when
an event occurs, a trap is sent to the defined host address (see section