User's Manual

Device Setup and Management
BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 3-22 User’s Guide
3.6.2. Survey Software
The Survey Software sub-menu enables you to align antennas and to assess
the radio signal quality of a point-to-point link. The sub-menu includes the
following options:
Operation Mode – When running a Site Survey, set the units on either
side of the link to either receive (option 1) or transmit (option 2) packets
(one unit should be set to transmit and the other to receive). Option 0
(Idle mode) is not active at present.
Start Statistics – Press 2 and then press any digit to start Site Survey.
Stop Statistics – Press 3 and then press any key to stop update of Site
Survey statistics.
3.6.3. Event Log
Display Event Log - The last four error messages that the unit displayed
since the last Factory Defaults reset. The Event log stores events in four
levels of error notifications: Message, Warning, Error, and Fatal.
Erase Event Log – Erase a specific event log.
Event Storage Policy – Defines storage level for the event log.
The following are the levels which events are stored in log:
0 - Store all events (beginning at message level)
1 - Store all events from warning level up
2 - Store all events from error level up
3 - Store fatal events only
3.6.4. Display Neighboring AP’s
Displays neighboring AP’s on the same ESS. The information displayed in
this option refers to the CURRENT or NEIGHBOR AP that the station can
hear. The following information is displayed.
The MAC Address of the AP described.
Good or bad frames: The number of frames, out of the total number of
frames received from the current AP, that are considered “good or bad”.
A frame is considered good or bad; if it was received in an RSSI level
higher or lower than the value set at the “Roaming Decision RSSI