User's Manual

Planning and Installing Wireless LANs
BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 4-17 User’s Guide
PRO.11 workstation, the suggested maximum distance between Access
Point and workstation is:
Standard AP-10 PRO.11.........................700m (2000 ft.)
4.2.6. Link Distance
Link distance is the maximum distance between the AP and the station
adapter, usually related to point-to-point installations using external
antennas. For open outdoor areas with an unobstructed line of sight between
the Access Point and the wireless bridge, the suggested maximum distance
AP-10D PRO.11 with external antennas.......up to 10Km (7 miles) in the USA
Note: The maximum distance of 10Km/7 miles is achieved using 24 dBi antennas.
4.2.7. Using Outdoor Range Tables
Outdoor installations must have a clear line-of-sight. Solid obstacles such as
buildings or hills prevent the establishment of a link. Partial obstacles such
as trees or traffic can reduce range. Extending coaxial cables can cause an
increase in assembly signal loss and a reduction in range.
The ranges in the following tables are attained under good propagating
conditions when using the standard cables supplied in the antenna set.
Actual ranges may vary due to specific multipath and interference
For specific range guidelines and information about extending cables,
consult your local dealer or BreezeCOM central offices.
Ranges are subject to change without notice.