User's Manual

Planning and Installing Wireless LANs
BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 4-19 User’s Guide
4.3.4. Lightning Protection
Lightning protection is designed to protect people, property and equipment
by providing a path to ground for the lightning’s energy. The lightning
arrestor diverts the strike energy to ground through a deliberate and
controlled path instead of allowing it to choose a random path. Lightning
protection for a building is more forgiving than protection of electronic
devices. A building can withstand up to 100,000 volts, but electronic
equipment may be damaged by just a few volts.
Lightning protection entails connecting an antenna discharge unit (also
called an arrestor) to each cable as close as possible to the point where it
enters the building. It also entails proper grounding of the arrestors and of
the antenna mast (if the antenna is connected to one).
The lightning arrestor should be installed and grounded at the point where
the cable enters the building. The arrestor is connected to the unit at one end
and to the antenna at the other end.
The professional installer you choose must be knowledgeable about
lightning protection. The installer must install the lightning protector in a
way that maximizes lightning protection. BreezeCOM offers the following
high-quality lightning arrestor assembly:
BreezeNET AL 1 Lightning Arrestor - Part No. 872905 5 ft (1.5m), “N”
Male to “N” Female.
4.3.5. Rain Proofing
12, 18, and 24 dBi antennas must be sealed against rain at the point the
cable enters the pole before they are suitable for external use.