User's Manual

System Troubleshooting
BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 7-1 User’s Guide
The following troubleshooting guide provides answers to some of the more
common problems which may occur when installing, and using BreezeNET
PRO.11 Series products. If problems not mentioned in this guide should
arise, checking the Ethernet and WLAN counters may help (see section
3.6.1). If the problem persists, please feel free to contact your local
distributor or the BreezeCOM Technical Support Department.
8.1. Troubleshooting Guide
Problem and Indication Possible Cause Corrective Action
No Power to Unit. PWR LED is
1. Power cord is not properly
2. Power supply is defective.
1. Verify power cord is properly connected to the
BreezeNET unit and to the power outlet.
2. If this is not the cause, replace the power supply.
Failure to establish wireless link.
WLNK LED is off and unit resets
every few minutes.
1. Power supply to units may be
2. The units may not have the
same ESSID as the AP-10.
1. Verify power to units (AP and SA/ WB).
2. Verify that all units in the network have the same ESSID
as the AP (ESSID must be identical in all units in the
3. Verify wireless link:
• Set AP and unit (SA or WB) side by side.
• Power on each unit and see if a wireless link is
established (even “D” models without their external
antennas should establish a link if placed side by side with
the AP).
• If the units fail to associate, reset units to factory
default values reset unit (see section 3.4.5). The units
should now establish a wireless link.
Failure to establish wireless link
(“D” models/external antennas)
1. Power supply to units may be
2. Cables may be improperly
3. There may be some problem
with antenna installation.
1. Verify power to units.
2. Verify that all cables are connected securely.
3. Refer to previous section and verify wireless link
between the units.
4. Verify that the antenna(s) are properly installed (see
relevant section in this manual):
• Check antenna alignment.
• Verify that antenna polarization is the same at both
• Verify that the range matches specifications.
• Verify line-of-sight/antenna alignment/antenna height.
Wireless link established, but
there is no Ethernet activity (AP
and WB units).
1. Ethernet hub port or UTP
cable is faulty.
2. Ethernet port in unit is faulty.
1. Check that the LINK LED is on and solid at the hub port.
If this is not the case, the port is inactive. Try another port
on the hub or another UTP cable.
2. Verify that Ethernet port in unit is working. Ping unit to
verify Ethernet connection.
3. Verify that you are using a cross-over UTP cable (pins 1