User's Manual

System Troubleshooting
BreezeNET PRO.11 Series 7-2 User’s Guide
Problem and Indication Possible Cause Corrective Action
& 3, 2 & 6) if connected directly to workstation, or a
straight-through cable if connected to a hub.
4. Check ETHR LED indicator in unit and Ethernet
counters in Monitor to verify Ethernet activity.
Wireless link established, but
there is no Ethernet activity (SA-
10 and SA-40 units).
1. Ethernet port on Network
Interface card is faulty.
2. Ethernet port of unit is faulty.
3. UTP cable is faulty.
1. Verify that the LINK LED is lit and solid at the NIC port.
If this is not the case, the port is inactive. Try using
another UTP cable or another workstation.
2. Ping the unit to check the Ethernet port. If you cannot
ping the unit, this may indicate failure of cable, Ethernet
port of unit or Ethernet port of workstation’s NIC. Change
UTP cable and retry. If you still cannot ping the unit,
exchange units and try to ping the new unit using the
same NIC and cable.
No network detected at Station
Adapter (SA-10, SA-40)
1. Workstation networking is
improperly configured.
2. UTP cable connection is faulty.
3. Failure to pass Ethernet
1. Reset both Access Point and Station Adapter.
• Re-establish network connection.
• Verify proper workstation network configuration.
2. Try to ping the remote network. Failure to detect the
network may indicate a failure to pass Ethernet packets.
3. Verify UTP cable connection. Solid LINK LED in
workstation NIC indicates proper Ethernet connection.
4. Check monitor messages for errors or other indications
of problems.
5. Check station counters to verify increase in Ethernet
counters which indicates Ethernet activity.
High quality signal but throughput
is poor.
1. Too much interference or
multipath propagation.
2. Ethernet port of the unit may
be faulty.
1. Move the unit or the antennas out of the range of
• Check counters to see if more than 10% of total
transmitted frames are retransmitted fragments.
• Check if more than 10% of total received data frames
are bad fragments.
2. Verify Ethernet port activity by checking Ethernet
Link signal quality low or not as
good as expected (indoor
1. Possible multipath or structural
Reposition the unit outside range of possible interference.
• Check for heavy metal structures (e.g. elevators,
racks, file cabinets) near unit.
• Check counters for excessive retransmissions or
received bad fragments.
• Site may require higher gain antennas.
• site may require a multicell structure (multiple AP units)
due to multipath/structural interference.
Link signal quality low or not as
good as expected (outdoor
There may be a problem with
certain aspects of outdoor
installation considerations (see
relevant section in this manual).
Refer to section 4.2, Outdoor Installation Considerations:
• Verify that there is a clear line-of-site.
• Verify antenna height.
• Verify antenna polarization.
• Verify antenna alignment.
• Check length of cable between antenna and unit (an
overly long extension cable may adversely affect
Unit associates with the wrong In a multicell structure with For a unit to associate with a specific Access Point, assign