Owner's Manual

Before Calling for Service
esuaC elbissoP melborP
O ven does not operate.
Conrm oven is plug ged into dedic ated circu it.
Conrm oven is on g rounded a nd p olarized circuit.
(C ontact e lectric ian to conrm )
Chec k fuse or circuit breaker.
O ven operates interm ittently. Chec k air lter an d discharge are as for obstructions.
Oven does not accept entries
when pad is pressed .
M ake sure oven is o n.
O pen and close ove n door. Press key again.
Oven m alfunctions or sh ows
F w ith a n um ber.
O ven control is equ ipp ed w ith a self-dia gnostic system . Se lf-diagnostic
system alerts you if there is a error or problem . W hen electron ic control
signals a problem , follow steps liste d belo w.
1. R ecord num ber show n.
2. U nplug oven, w ait for 1 m inute, and plug in ove n.
D isconnectin g electrical sup ply m ay elim inate service code. If failure
continues, ca ll A CP ComServ to ll free at 1-866 -426-262 1
inside the U .S.A. or Canada.
O ven operates but does no t heat
Place on e cup of w ater in o ven .
Run for one m inute at full p ower (100% ).
If tem perature does not rise, oven is not operating correctly. C on tact a n
authorized ACP s ervicer or call A CPComServ toll free a t 1-866-426-2621 inside
the U .S.A . or C anada.
To avoid electrical shock which can cause severe personal injury or death, do not remove outer case at any time.
Only an authorized ACP servicer should remove outer case.