Installation guide

Version 2.4 of the AWS SDK for PHP adds the ability to enable and use static client "facades". These facades
provide an easy, static interface to service clients available in the service builder. For example, when working with a
normal client instance, you might have code that looks like the following:
// Get the configured S3 client from the service builder
$s3 = $aws->get('s3');
// Execute the CreateBucket command using the S3 client
$s3->createBucket(array('Bucket' => 'your_new_bucket_name'));
With client facades enabled, this can also be accomplished with the following code:
// Execute the CreateBucket command using the S3 client
S3::createBucket(array('Bucket' => 'your_new_bucket_name'));
Why Use Client Facades?
The use of static client facades is completely optional. We have included this feature in the SDK in order to appeal
to PHP developers who prefer static notation or who are familiar with PHP frameworks like Code Ignitor, Laravel, or
Kohana where this style of method invocation is common.
Though using static client facades has little real benefit over using client instances, it can make your code more
concise and prevent your from having to inject the service builder or client instance into the context of where you
need the client object. This can make your code easier to write and understand. Whether or not you should use the
client facades is purely a matter of preference.
The way in which client facades work in the AWS SDK for PHP is similar to how facades work in the Laravel 4
Framework. Even though you are calling static classes, all of the method calls are proxied to method calls on actual
client instances — the ones stored in the service builder. This means that the usage of the clients via the client
facades can still be mocked in your unit tests, which removes one of the general disadvantages to using static
classes in object-oriented programming. For information about how to test code that uses client facades, please see
the Testing Code that Uses Client Facades below.
Enabling and Using Client Facades
To enable static client facades to be used in your application, you must use the
Aws\Common\Aws::enableFacades method when you setup the service builder.
// Include the Composer autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Instantiate the SDK service builder with my config and enable facades
$aws = Aws::factory('/path/to/my_config.php')->enableFacades();
This will setup the client facades and alias them into the global namespace. After that, you can use them anywhere
to have more simple and expressive code for interacting with AWS services.
// List current buckets
echo "Current Buckets:\n";
foreach (S3::getListBucketsIterator() as $bucket) {
echo "{$bucket['Name']}\n";
$args = array('Bucket' => 'your_new_bucket_name');
$file = '/path/to/the/file/to/upload.jpg';
// Create a new bucket and wait until it is available for uploads
S3::createBucket($args) and S3::waitUntilBucketExists($args);
echo "\nCreated a new bucket: {$args['Bucket']}.\n";
// Upload a file to the new bucket
$result = S3::putObject($args + array(
'Key' => basename($file),
Static Client Facades