User Manual

Model: MR3000
Revision P1A/18042014
MicroRouter MR3000 v2.0
Ambient Systems B.V.
Page 6 of 14
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T: +31 88 2624368 F: +31 88 2624399
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4 Installation
4.1 Preparation
Before the MicroRouter can be installed, please ensure you have all the required tools available. It is strongly
recommended to first read the User Manuals on the Ambient 3000 Series 3
Generation Active RFID and
Ambient Studio. Knowledge of Ambient Studio is a pre-requisite in order to verify the operational status of the
MicroRouter and its configuration.
Experienced users
4.2 First Time Use
1. Prepare 3000 Series Network & Ambient Studio
The first step to take is make sure that Ambient Studio is running and a Gateway is powered and
properly connected to the PC. The Gateway needs to show its ‘online’ status in Ambient Studio. The
green LED of the Gateway needs to light up. Download and install the latest DDI driver descriptions in
XML from the Ambient support website.
MicroRouters and other SmartPoints can be added to the network as long as care is taken with
regards to the network congestion. Navigate to the ‘Drivers’ tab in Ambient Studio and, if necessary,
unfold the MicroRouters branch in the tree control on the left of the screen.
2. Prepare the MicroRouter
Prior to turning on the MicroRouter, take the device out of its protective box. Remove any protective
material such as the plastic cap on the antenna connector. Attach the antenna to the MicroRouter.
Make sure that it is firmly attached.
!! Never use the MicroRouter MR3000 v2.0 without antenna. Doing so might damage the device!
Verify that the gland is tightly closed around the power cable. Verify that the power adapter has the
correct plug and that power sockets are available at the location where the devices is being installed.
3. Activate the MicroRouter
The MicroRouter is activated by applying mains power i.e. plug in the adapter in a power socket.
Within a few seconds the LEDs on the product will come to life. If not, verify that the socket provides
indeed power.
4. Observe the MicroRouter appear in Ambient Studio
Each MicroRouter has an unique number. This number can be found on the label on the product and
begins with “02:01:..”. This unique number is used to identify the MicroRouter.
Once the device is activated, it will boot up and start its default operational status. The device sends a
DDI(0:2:1) version message once it has properly booted and connected to the network; this can take
up to 30 seconds.
The MicroRouter is now visible in Ambient Studio. In its default configuration, the MicroRouter will
report network status information every 41 seconds and power status every 5 minutes.
Ensure your Ambient Studio version is the latest version available and that you have all required DDI XML files