User Manual

Model: MR3000
Revision P1A/18042014
MicroRouter MR3000 v2.0
Ambient Systems B.V.
Page 7 of 14
Demmersweg 66 7559 BN Hengelo The Netherlands
T: +31 88 2624368 F: +31 88 2624399
KvK: 08122911 VAT NL: 81297625381
In the ‘DDI’ tab of Ambient Studio, set the filter to select the ID of the device and leave all the other
fields untouched. The received queue should then first shown a version DDI(0:2:1) message,
DDI(3:4:1) messages and DDI(0:6:1) messages.
!! The MicroRouter MR3000 v2.0 uses newer versions of DDI drivers compared to the MR3000 v1.x. Please
make sure you use the latest DDI XML’s in Ambient Studio
If the aforementioned messages are being received, the device has started correctly and is
!! Initially it can take up to 8 hours to charge the rechargeable battery. If disruptions in mains power occur
during this period, the device might not remain operational on backup battery
4.3 Installation
Once the MicroRouter has been turned ON, it is ready to be installed and mounted. Please have a look at the
User Manual of the 3000 Series on how to go about installing 3000 Series networks e.g. to determine where to
install a MicroRouter and how to orient antennas.
4.4 Mounting
The MicroRouter is best mounted using the GW/MR/ESP Mounting Bracket (order number 900.200.060.001).
Please, follow the instructions that come with the bracket.
4.5 Verifying Operational Status
Once MicroRouter has been mounted, its operational status can once more be verified by using Ambient
Studio. Use the Ambient Studio ‘Map’ view to visualize the links in the system and in particular that of the
device in question. If the reported RSSI values are close to the lower limit, either a MicroRouter needs to be
added to the network (between the device in question and the Gateway), or the device needs to be moved
closer to a nearby MicroRouter or Gateway.
The operational status can also be verified using the LED indication on the device.