User Manual

Model: MR3000
Revision P1A/18042014
MicroRouter MR3000 v2.0
Ambient Systems B.V.
Page 10 of 14
Demmersweg 66 7559 BN Hengelo The Netherlands
T: +31 88 2624368 F: +31 88 2624399
KvK: 08122911 VAT NL: 81297625381
6 Powering Options
6.1 Battery
The MicroRouter can operate for 72 hours on a fully charged battery. It will automatically charge the battery
again, when mains power is restored. If mains power fails before the charge cycle is complete, the
MicroRouter might operate less than 72 hours on battery. Also, the age of the battery and the number of
charge cycles it has experienced reduce the duration it can operate on battery power.
The duration the MicroRouter can function on backup battery decreases with battery age and
charge/discharge cycles. It also may take a few charge/discharge cycles for the battery to reach its full
For a longer battery lifetime, the battery should be discharged and charged once per month.
6.2 Battery charging
Once mains power is applied to the MicroRouter, its internal battery charging circuitry assesses the state of
the battery and automatically begins a charge cycle, if needed.
There are a few reasons that can abort an ongoing charge cycle:
A defect battery: it takes too long to charge or another defect;
Battery temperature is out of bounds: the temperature needs to be between ~0°C and ~40°C to
charge it;
Too much current consumption by other components. To protect the power supply, the charging is
Most of these suspend reasons have a temporary nature, however, if errors persist, please contact Ambient
Support. The power status LED will indicate a ‘suspended battery charging’ with a RED led.
!! Below 0°C and above 40°C the battery in the MicroRouter will not charge to prevent damage to the
In some cases, in particular when the battery is deeply discharged, the MicroRouter may make a hissing
noise. This is normal and does not indicate a defect.
Typically, a battery charge cycle is completed within 4-8 hours.
6.3 System::Power (0:6)
The System::Power (0:6) driver reports information about the power status. It generates periodical reports
indicating the internal temperature of the product, time it took to charge the battery, how long it has
operated on the battery and so on. When the product operates on mains power, a report is generated once
every 15 minutes, otherwise every 5 minutes an update is provided.
If the mains power is lost, the device immediately generates an alert.