User Manual

Model: SP3000T
Revision P1A/01102013
SmartPoint SP3000T
4 Installation
4.1 Preparation
Before the SP3000T can be installed, please ensure you have all the required tools
available. It is strongly recommended to first read the User Manuals on the Ambient
3000 Series 3
Generation Active RFID and Ambient Studio. Knowledge of Ambient
Studio is a pre-requisite in order to verify the operational status of the SP3000T and
associated configuration.
4.2 First Time Use
1. Prepare 3000 Series network and Ambient Studio
Ensure that Ambient Studio is running and a GW is powered, and properly
connected to the PC. The GW needs to display an ‘online’ status in Ambient
Studio. The green LED of the GW needs to be lit. MRs and other SPs can be
added to the network as long as care is taken with regards to the network
congestion. Navigate to the ‘Drivers’ tab in Ambient Studio and, if necessary,
unfold the SP branch in the tree control on the left hand side of the screen.
2. Awaken the SP from hibernation
Generally, the devices are delivered in hibernation to avoid unnecessary
power drain. Use a Magnetic Mat(MM) to awaken the device, by following the
instructions on the MM. Once awake, the SP will send a DDI (4:8:2) message
to indicate that it has exited the hibernation state.
3 Ensure your Ambient Studio version is the latest version available and that you have all
required DDI XML files
Ambient Systems B.V.
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