User's Manual

102 Minimize Floating-Point-to-Integer Conversions
AMD Athlon Processor x86 Code Optimization
22007E/0November 1999
Example 3 (Potentially faster):
MOV ECX, DWORD PTR[X+4] ;get upper 32 bits of double
XOR EDX, EDX ;i = 0
MOV EAX, ECX ;save sign bit
AND ECX, 07FF00000h ;isolate exponent field
CMP ECX, 03FF00000h ;if abs(x) < 1.0
JB $DONE2 ; then i = 0
MOV EDX, DWORD PTR[X] ;get lower 32 bits of double
SHR ECX, 20 ;extract exponent
SHRD EDX, EAX, 21 ;extract mantissa
NEG ECX ;compute shift factor for extracting
ADD ECX, 1054 ;non-fractional mantissa bits
OR EDX, 080000000h ;set integer bit of mantissa
SAR EAX, 31 ;x < 0 ? 0xffffffff : 0
SHR EDX, CL ;i = trunc(abs(x))
XOR EDX, EAX ;i = x < 0 ? ~i : i
SUB EDX, EAX ;i = x < 0 ? -i : i
MOV [I], EDX ;store result
For applications which can tolerate a floating-point-to-integer
conversion that is not compliant with existing programming
language standards (but is IEEE-754 compliant), perform the
conversion using the rounding mode that is currently in effect
(usually round-to-nearest-even).
Example 4 (Fastest):
FLD QWORD PTR [X] ; get double to be converted
FISTP DWORD PTR [I] ; store integer result
Some compilers offer an option to use the code from example 4
for floating-point-to-integer conversion, using the default
rounding mode.
Lastly, consider setting the rounding mode throughout an
application to truncate and using the code from example 4 to
perform extremely fast conversions that are compliant with
language standards and IEEE-754. This mode is also provided
as an option by some compilers. Note that use of this technique
also changes the rounding mode for all other FPU operations
inside the application, which can lead to significant changes in
numerical results and even program failure (for example, due to
lack of convergence in iterative algorithms).