User's Manual

Performance Counter Usage 167
22007E/0November 1999 AMD Athlon Processor x86 Code Optimization
PerfCtr[3:0] MSRs (MSR Addresses C001_0004hC001_0007h)
The performance-counter MSRs contain the event or duration
counts for the selected events being counted. The RDPMC
instruction can be used by programs or procedures running at
any privilege level and in virtual-8086 mode to read these
counters. The PCE flag in control register CR4 (bit 8) allows the
use of this instruction to be restricted to only programs and
procedures running at privilege level 0.
The RDPMC instruction is not serializing or ordered with other
instructions. Therefore, it does not necessarily wait until all
previous instructions have been executed before reading the
counter. Similarly, subsequent instructions can begin execution
before the RDPMC instruction operation is performed.
Only the operating system, executing at privilege level 0, can
directly manipulate the performance counters, using the
RDMSR and WRMSR instructions. A secure operating system
would clear the PCE flag during system initialization, which
disables direct user access to the performance-monitoring
counters but provides a user-accessible programming interface
that emulates the RDPMC instruction.
The WRMSR instruction cannot arbitrarily write to the
performance-monitoring counter MSRs (PerfCtr[3:0]). Instead,
the value should be treated as 64-bit sign extended, which
D5h FR ICU full
D6h FR Reservation stations full
D7h FR FPU full
D8h FR LS full
D9h FR All quiet stall
DAh FR Far transfer or resync branch pending
DCh FR Breakpoint matches for DR0
DDh FR Breakpoint matches for DR1
DEh FR Breakpoint matches for DR2
DFh FR Breakpoint matches for DR3
Table 11. Performance-Monitoring Counters (Continued)
Notes / Unit Mask (bits 158) Event Description