user manual

Instruction Dispatch and Execution Resources 189
22007E/0November 1999 AMD Athlon Processor x86 Code Optimization
ADC mreg8, reg8 10h 11-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADC mem8, reg8 10h mm-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADC mreg16/32, reg16/32 11h 11-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADC mem16/32, reg16/32 11h mm-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADC reg8, mreg8 12h 11-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADC reg8, mem8 12h mm-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADC reg16/32, mreg16/32 13h 11-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADC reg16/32, mem16/32 13h mm-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADC AL, imm8 14h DirectPath
ADC EAX, imm16/32 15h DirectPath
ADC mreg8, imm8 80h 11-010-xxx DirectPath
ADC mem8, imm8 80h mm-010-xxx DirectPath
ADC mreg16/32, imm16/32 81h 11-010-xxx DirectPath
ADC mem16/32, imm16/32 81h mm-010-xxx DirectPath
ADC mreg16/32, imm8 (sign extended) 83h 11-010-xxx DirectPath
ADC mem16/32, imm8 (sign extended) 83h mm-010-xxx DirectPath
ADD mreg8, reg8 00h 11-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADD mem8, reg8 00h mm-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADD mreg16/32, reg16/32 01h 11-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADD mem16/32, reg16/32 01h mm-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADD reg8, mreg8 02h 11-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADD reg8, mem8 02h mm-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADD reg16/32, mreg16/32 03h 11-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADD reg16/32, mem16/32 03h mm-xxx-xxx DirectPath
ADD AL, imm8 04h DirectPath
ADD EAX, imm16/32 05h DirectPath
ADD mreg8, imm8 80h 11-000-xxx DirectPath
ADD mem8, imm8 80h mm-000-xxx DirectPath
ADD mreg16/32, imm16/32 81h 11-000-xxx DirectPath
ADD mem16/32, imm16/32 81h mm-000-xxx DirectPath
ADD mreg16/32, imm8 (sign extended) 83h 11-000-xxx DirectPath
ADD mem16/32, imm8 (sign extended) 83h mm-000-xxx DirectPath
AND mreg8, reg8 20h 11-xxx-xxx DirectPath
Table 19. Integer Instructions (Continued)
Instruction Mnemonic