User manual

What To Expect
Congratulations on the purchase of America Hears hearing instruments. You've
taken the first step toward improving your hearing, and improving your lifestyle.
Please know that we are only an email or toll-free phone call away to answer any
questions you may have.
Common Hearing Loss
Hearing aids are particularly useful for improving the hearing and speech
comprehension of those with sensorineural hearing loss. This is a loss of hearing that
takes place when there is damage to the inner ear, also known as the cochlea, or
damage to the nerve pathways from the inner ear to the brain (the retocochlear).
This type of hearing loss can be attributed to any number of factors, including viruses
or disease, drugs or medications that affect the auditory system, noise exposure,
head trauma, aging or tumors.
Using Your New Hearing Aids
America Hears 100% digital hearing aids are sophisticated hearing instruments. Our
software and technologies are state-of-the-art. Nevertheless there are human factors
involved in using any brand of hearing aids, most notably Time & Patience.
No hearing aid can completely restore perfect/normal hearing. While we use cutting
edge technology to eliminate noise, noise cannot be completely eliminated in all
hearing environments.
In using your new hearing aids you will learn how to listen in a variety of noise and
noise-free environments. You will gradually learn to effectively process all of the
sounds around you – including sounds you may not have heard for years.
If you are a first time hearing aid user, we suggest using your instruments under non-
stressful circumstances for a few hours at a time. Getting used to wearing your new
hearing aid, gradually and at a comfortable pace will make the transition period much
easier and more rewarding for you.
We Are Always Here To Help
Please remember time and patience in wearing any new hearing aid will usually
result in an improvement in your hearing. Your new America Hears hearing aids,
while technologically superior to most other hearing aids, could also require time and
patience. Hearing aids work with the hearing you do have to improve it – a return to
"perfect" or "normal" hearing is rare with any hearing aid.
While you are getting accustomed your new America Hears hearing aids, follow the
instructions and consult with your America Hears professional. You will soon
experience a new level of hearing.
Always remember, our pledge to customer service Before, During and After the sale
insures we will be with you every step of the way. We look forward to serving your
hearing needs for many years to come.