
American DJ® - www.americandj.com - Accu UFO PRO Instruction Manual Page 18American DJ® - www.americandj.com - Accu UFO PRO Instruction Manual Page 17
RUN Run the unit in an Auto mode as a “master” in a
Master/Slave conguration, or as a stand alone unit -
1. Access the main menu.
2. Tap the UP button until “PLAY” is displayed, press ENTER.
3. Tap the UP button until “RUN” is displayed, press ENTER.
4. Tap the UP or DOWN button to choose between “MSTR” or
ALON“, select your choice by pressing ENTER, “PASS” will ash
in the display and xture will begin its function.
AUDI Run the unit in Sound Active mode as a “master”, or
as a stand alone unit -
1. Access the main menu.
2. Tap the UP button until “PLAY” is displayed, press ENTER.
3. Tap the UP button until “AUDI” is displayed, press ENTER.
4. Tap the UP or DOWN button to choose between “MSTR” or
ALON“, select your choice by pressing ENTER, “PASS” will ash
in the display and xture will begin its function.
AUTO This is a precaution mode in case you lose the DMX
signal. The xtue has 4 modes to choose from, please see
page 15 for a description of the 4 modes -
1. Access the main menu by pressing MODE/ESC button.
2. Tap the UP button until “PLAY” is displayed, press ENTER.
3. Tap the UP button until “AUTO” is displayed, press ENTER.
4. Now you can choose between “CLOSE”, “HOLD” “AUTO”, or
AUDI”. “HOLD” is the default setting.
5. Select the mode that you want the xture to run in case of a
Accu UFO PRO System Menu Accu UFO PRO System Menu
On-Board System Menu.
The Accu UFO PRO ccomes with an easy
to navigate system menu. This next section will detail the functions of
each command in the system menu.
To access the main menu press the MODE/ESC button on the front
of the unit. Tap the UP or DOWN butons until you reach function you
wish to change. When you reach the function you wish to change tap
the ENTER button. Again, tap the UP or DOWN buttons to change the
function. Once your changes are made, tap the ENTER button to lock
the change in the system, if the ENTER button is not selected within
eight seconds the system will automatically return to menu section. To
exit without making any changes tap the MODE/ESC button.
ADDR DMX Address Setting via control board -
1. Access the main menu.
2. Tap the UP button until “ADDR” is displayed, press ENTER.
4. Now the display will show “A001”. Adjust the DMX address
by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
5. Press ENTER to conrm.
6. Press the MODE/ESC button to return to the main menu.
When the display is on A001”, you can directly press the UP
or DN buttons to change the DMX start address.
TEST - This will test the functions of each channel. Note:
Some channels cannot be tested
1. Access the main menu.
2. Tap the UP button until “TEST” is displayed, press ENTER.
3. The display will show “T-01”. You can now press the up
button and test the different channels.
4. Press MODE/ESC to exit.