User`s manual

This item enables/disables VT-d function.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
Initiate Graphic Adapter
This item allows you to select which graphics controller to use as the primary boot
Options: PEG/PCI (Default) / IGD / PCI/IGD / PCI/PEG / PEG/IGD
IGD Memory
This item sets IGD Share Memory Size.
Options: 64M (Default) / Disabled / 32M / 128M / 160M / 192M / 224M / 256M /
288M / 320M / 352M / 384M / 416M / 448M / 480M / 512M
Render Standby
This item enables/disables Render Standby by Internal Graphics Device.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
IGD Multi-Monitor
This item enables/disables IGD Multi-Monitor by Internal Graphics Device.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
DVMT Mode Select
This item selects DVMT Mode used by Internal Graphics Device.
Options: DVMT Mode (Default) / Fixed Mode
DVMT/FIXED Memory Size
DVMT stands forDynamic Video Memory Technology”. This is an enhancement
of the unified memory architecture (UMA) concept. DVMT will set the optimum
amount of memory to be allocated for a balance between graphics and system
performance. DVMT dynamically respond to system requirements and applications
demands, by allocating the proper amount of display, texturing and buffer memory
after the operating system has booted.
Options: 256MB (Default) / 128MB / Maximum