User`s manual

Wake system with Fixed Time
This item enables or disables the system to wake on by alarm event. W hen this item
is enabled, the system will wake on the hr::min::s ec specified.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
Wake up date
You can choose which date the system will boot up.
Wake up hour / Wake up minute / Wake up second
You can c hoos e the system boot up time, inp ut ho ur, minute and seco nd to specify.
PS2 Keyboard PowerOn
This item allows you to control the keyboard power on function.
Options: Dis abled (Default) / Any Key / Stroke Key / Specific Key
Stroke Keys Selected
This item will show only when Keyboard PowerOn is set “Stroke Key.
Optio ns: Wake Key (Default) / Po wer Key / Ctrl+F1 / Ctrl+F2 / Ctrl+F3 /
Ctrl +F4 / Ctrl+F5 / Ctrl+F6
Specific Key Enter
This item will show only when Keyboard PowerOn is setSpecific Key. Press
Enter to set Specific key.
PS2 Mouse PowerOn
This item allows you to control the mouse power on function.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
USB Device Wakeup from S3/S4
This item allo ws you to enable o r dis abled the USB res ume from S3/S4 function.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled