Installation Instructions

P a g e | 2
Normally starting in a corner, the first panel should be installed so that the leading edge[3] (the edge not in the corner) is on-center of a stud[4]
or furring strip[4], and it is critical that the first panel on the wall be perfectly plumb. Mark the center of the stud with a plumb line. With the
position of the panel leading edge determined, trim the edge of the panel that will fit into the corner so the panel fits into the corner, and note
that your wall/corner may not be plumb! If you are using corner trim, leave about a ¼” gap. Ref28
1 Trim the panel so one edge[5] fits into the corner, and the other edge[3] aligns perfectly with
the plumb line mark on the stud
2 Drive four nails part way into the panel (not into the wall) about 1” from the top edge[6]
3 Place the panel at the installed position, pushing against the previous panel
4 While holding the panel in position, drive the four nails[6] completely into the wall
Installing the middle panels Ref29
1 Repeat steps 2-4 from above for additional panels, except for the last panel on each wall