Master Switch User Guide AP9210

MasterSwitch 100V – User Guide
MasterSwitchV1 OIDs
When you select the MasterSwitchV1 listing, the SNMP browser will present you with five categories of
n MasterSwitch-MIB identification (sPDUIdent) OIDs
n MasterSwitch-MIB master control (sPDUMasterControl) OIDs
n MasterSwitch-MIB master configuration (sPDUMasterConfig) OIDs
n MasterSwitch-MIB outlet control (sPDUOutletControl) OIDs
n MasterSwitch-MIB outlet configuration (sPDUOutletConfig) OIDs
Identification (sPDUIdent) OIDs
Five sPDUIdent OIDs, all read-only, allow you to access the following self-explanatory information about the
n sPDUHardwareRev
n sPDUFirmwareRev
n sPDUDateOfManufacture
n sPDUIdentModelNumber
n sPDUIdentSerialNumber
Master Control (sPDUMasterControl) OIDs
There are three sPDUMasterControl OIDs:
n sPDUMasterState, a read-only OID, allows you find out the current status of all eight outlets.
n sPDUMasterPending, a read-only OID, allows you to find out if any of the outlets have commands
n sPDUMasterControlSwitch allows you to reboot all outlets, turn all outlets on or turn all outlets off
by setting one of the following values to this OID:
q turnAllOnNow
q turnAllOnSequence
q turnAllOffNow
q rebootAllNow
q rebootAllSequence