Technical information

3Feeder overcurrent protection
The devices protecting the panel from over currents are explicitly required only
in the case of Industrial Machinery
) by NFPA 79 (and relative section of the UL
508A), but its presence is also provided for in NEC and CEC in which sizing rules
are given.
Obviously the protection of the lines powering the equipment is not the
responsibility of the machine manufacturer.
It is noted that in the case of circuit breaker (devices suitable for switching and
protecting) calculations must be made for sizing both for overcurrent protection
and for disconnection means.
The sizing of the overcurrent protection follows the same rules in all the standard
texts.The size/calibration should not be more than one of the following two values:
a) the protection size/calibration of biggest branch (BCP) plus the rated current
(FLA) of all the other motors plus the rated currents of all the other loads (f
machinery , this is 125% of the larg est motor from tab le 50.1, +125% of all
heater loads; + FLA from tab le 50.1 of all other motors, + FLA of all other
b) the capacity of the feeder conductor (conductors or bars down line of the
overcurrent protection)
It often happens, especially when using automatic s witches, that the calculation
pro vided f or in case a) g ives r esults that are incompatible with the sizing of the
s witching device: in the case of circuit breaker this makes an o v ersizing of the
f eeder conductor obligatory to enter into case b)
This solution should be applied, though not r equired b y the CEC f or equipment
destined f or Canada as w ell: in fact value b) can be modified with a simple over
sizing while the modification of value a) often implies a complete revision of the
) The following are considered industrial machinery: metal working including machinery for deformation or cutting: wood; plastic,
assembly machines; robots, transfer and test machinery.
) The CEC for Canada does not provide for case b) but only the value calculated in a).
140U 1489 1494V 1491 140F