Technical information

This document is intended to provide general technical information on a
particular subject or subjects and is not an exhaustive treatment of such
subjects. Accordingly, the information in this document is not intended
to constitute application, design, software or other professional
engineering advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any
action, which might affect your equipment, you should consult a
qualified professional advisor..
Rockwell Automation does not warrant the completeness, timeliness
or accuracy of any of the data contained in this document and may
make changes thereto at any time in its sole discretion without notice.
Excerpts from “UL Standard for Safety for Industrial Control Panels,
UL508A” are copyright Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc.
Excerpts from the “2005 National Electrical Code” are copyright National
Fire Protection Association.
RockwellAutomation wishes to thank the editors Matteo Marconi and Gino
Zampieri for their collaboration.