Technical information

The same calculation for the minimum capacity is also applied for the conductor
inside the panel: the uprated cross-section is AWG 12 (25 A).
The resistive load command requires the use of a contactor sized in current. Solid
state contactors are particularly suitable for this application: for example, use can
be made of the 156-C20xA3, three-phase with rated current of 20A and
maximum voltage of 600V.
1.10 Lighting branch circuit
100L 500L
These are power circuits for lamps used in the working process, both for lighting
( “standard-duty” lamps) and for other purposes (for example infrared lights for
drying; “heavy-duty” lamps). These are not the panel's maintenance lights.
Also for this type of circuit UL508A gives an overview of the main regulations and
distinguishes between:
Standard-duty lamps (incandescent or fluorescent): the BCP must be calibrated
at not more than 20 A; conductors must have a capacity above the
size/calibration of the protection;
Heavy-duty lamps (incandescent or infrared): il BCP must be calibrated at not
more than 50 A; the conductors must have a capacity above the size/ calibration
of the protection;
There are no limits on the power supply voltage.
Some differences are to be considered between the various norms as far as simply
the lighting circuits are concerned:
a) the NFPA 79 standard for Industrial Machinery imposes a BCP with a size no
greater than 15 A and a maximum supply voltage of 150 V; one side of the
circuit must be grounded.