Technical information

have three different power supplies but a single 10 A feed can be used (for
example 1606-XL240E-3, three-phase power unit) with three overcurrent
protections down line (e.g. supplementary protector UL1077) graded to values of
not more than 4 A: two at 4 A (for example 1492-SP1C040) and the last one at 2
A *e.g. 1492-SP1C020).
The three circuits derived down line from the protections respect all the
conditions to be defined Low-Voltage Limited Energy.
It would have also been possible to realise Class 2 circuits, but in the is case the
intrinsic limitation of the power source would have forced three approved power
units of Class 2 to be used.To that respect however it should be remembered that
Class 2 circuits are provided for both by NEC and by CEC, while the Low-Voltage
Limited Energy circuit is only provided for by UL, even though it is commonly
accepted by North American AHJs.
1.7.3 External Wiring and Terminal
The same prescriptions adopted for the Class 1 circuits apply both for the
external wiring and for the terminal blocks.
The approved conductors of the Low-Voltage Limited Energy circuit and those of
the other circuits, inside the same raceway, should be insulated f or the maximum
v oltag e present; if one of the conductors is not insulated or it is insulated for a
lower voltage,it should be distanced (at least 6,4 mm) or isolated.The
isolation/separation is necessary in the case of non-approved conductors
The terminal block should be clearly indicated as Class 1 with a special marking.