Technical information

Industrial Machinery
1. NEC 2005 and article 670 on Industrial Machinery
In September 1941 the metal working machinery industry elaborated its first
electrical standard to make machinery safer for operators, more productive and
cheaper to maintain, as well as to improve quality and performance of electrical
In the same year and in order to analyse electrical problems related to machinery,
the NFPA created a special electrical commission specialised in overcurrent
protection and the control of industrial engines fitted to industrial machinery.
This commission, in collaboration with the manufacturers of machinery electrical
equipment and Underwriters Laboratories, carried out a series of test and controls
whose results differed with the requirements of the National Electrical Codes at
that time.
The results were published in 1942 as an “amendment” to article 670 on Machine
Tools of the National Electrical Code of 1940 and such article remained basically
unchanged until the 1959 edition appeared.
Mistakenly, in 1940 other machinery manufacturers started to take article 670 as a
reference when it had been initially drawn up exclusively for metal working
Then, in 1952, an electrical commission was established to try to gather all the
special requirements for the production, handling and process machinery all in
one NEC article.
This attempt failed and in 1956 a NFPA commission was established to limit the
application of art. 670 NEC only to metal working machinery. This article
remained however too limited; and it was so because a new standard that
specified safety requirements not dealt with before was included.
In 1961 the NFPA 79 “Electrical Standards for machine tools” was officially
introduced and subsequently revised in 1965, confirmed in 1969 and revised
again in 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1994 and the last
edition in 2002 which is currently in force.
In fact in its first clauses, the National Electrical refers to NFPA 79 as the reference
standard applicable to industrial machinery.
NFPA 79 Industrial Machinery refers to the UL508A standard on Industrial Control
Panels as the primary reference standard, and so circle is completed as per North
American legislation on electrical systems for industrial machinery:
NEC Art. 670
Industrial Machinery
(Codice d’installazione)
Electrical Standard for
Industrial Machinery
Industrial Control