Operating instructions

20 Pub. No. 18-HE56D1-9
Installer's Guide
5. Remove the PRE-FILTER (Figure 46) and/or the
COLLECTION CELLS (Figure 47) from the air cleaner.
Figure 46 Pre Filter
Figure 47 Collection Cells
Vacuuming is the preferred method to clean the PRE-
FILTER and COLLECTION CELLS. It is recommended
vacuumed outside the home to ensure particles on the
filters are not re-introduced into the air. Persons highly
sensitive to the collected particles should wear
appropriate respiratory protection while cleaning.
It is time to clean the PRE-FILTER when the red “PRE-
FILTER” light (shown in Figure 48) is illuminated.
Figure 48 Pre-Filter Light
The air cleaner is factory set to notify the home owner to
clean the PRE-FILTER every two months of actual run
time of the air cleaner. This notification can be changed
by the installer/home owner to 1 month or 3 months
depending on the conditions in the home (pets, smokers,
etc.). Please see “SET-UP MODE” (Page 18) to
change the factory settings.
1. Using a vacuum hose, vacuum in even strokes
across the length of the PRE-FILTER. After
vacuuming the entire PRE-FILTER using even
strokes going in one direction, repeat the
process using even strokes going in the
opposite direction as shown in Figure 49.
NOTE: Do NOT replace the plastic PRE-FILTER with
a metal type PRE-FILTER. A metal PRE-FILTER will
cause reduction in efficiency and potential failure of
the electronics in the air cleaner.
The clean/dirty LED light bar indicator will illuminate as
the system cleans the air. The LED lights will progress
from green to yellow and then to red. When the last red
indicator is flashing, it is time to clean the COLLECTION
CELLS (see Figure 47). The air cleaner is factory set to
notify the home owner to clean the COLLECTION
CELLS every six months of actual run time of the air
cleaner. This notification can be changed by the
installer/home owner to 2 months, 4 months, 6 months,
or 9 months depending on the conditions in the home
(pets, smokers, etc.). Please see “SET-UP MODE”
(Page 18) to change the factory settings.
Figure 49 Vacuuming the Pre-Filter
Flashing red light indicates
that it is time to clean the
Red light indicates that it is
time to clean the PRE-FILTER