ScaleRx Case Study

Prevention of Limescale Deposits in Residential Water Heaters Using ScaleRX®
Issue Date: July 16, 2020
In June 2019, two Gas Tank 40 Gallon Hot Water Heaters were installed by the same contractor in two
residential homes.
The test homes were both located in Houston, TX and had similar usage rates.
After one year, the unit installed without ScaleRX® produced 500 ml (320 g) of scale deposits. Whereas
the unit installed with ScaleRX® produced zero scale deposits.
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American Valve, Inc.
4940 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Ste. 390
Berkeley Lake, GA 30071
Phone: 678.684.1150
American Valve, Inc. - ScaleRX® Case Study

Summary of content (9 pages)