
Installation and Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3: Programming
Programming the Maximum Stopping Time
A) Unit must be in the Program mode.
B) Depress
This sets the maximum allowable stopping time in .001 second intervals. If the time required to
stop following the loss of the brake monitor contact exceeds the brake monitor stopping time,
then the error output LS6 is de-energized.
Display of Stopping Time
A) Depress . The display will sample and hold the stopping
time of each press stroke. The stopping time is displayed in milliseconds. A single decimal in
the left-most position will indicate that a stopping time is in seconds. The display will flash when
the brake monitor stopping time (CIR# 173) has been exceeded. The display will stop flashing
when the error is reset with the fault check input. Exiting this mode is done only by pressing the
RPM/POS key. No values may be entered.
Display of Stopping Angle
A) Depress . The display will sample and hold the number
of degrees traveled after initiation of the brake command. The stopping distance is the distance
traveled since the loss of the contact. The display will flash when the brake monitor stopping
time (CIR# 173) has been exceeded. The display will stop flashing when the error is reset with
the fault check input. Exiting this mode is done only by pressing the RPM/POS key.
No values may be entered.
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Maximum Stopping Time
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