User's Manual

User Manual v1.0.0
6 DDNS Service Application
DDNS is a service changes the dynamic IP to the static IP. The settings of DDNS can solve
the problem of being given the different IP by router every time. After setting the Router, your
host name would correspond to your dynamic IP. Moreover, via the host name application, it
could be easier for you to use FTP, Webcam and Printer remotely.
Dynamic DNS allows you to make an assumed name as a dynamic IP address to a static host
name. Please configure the dynamic DNS below. Please select Dynamic DNS under the IP
Config folder, and follow the instructions below to enter the Dynamic DNS page to configure
the settings you want.
If you don’t have a DDNS account, please follow the steps to complete your DDNS with
Dynamic IP settings.
1. First access the Internet and fill into the address field of your
web browser, then click Create Account