User Manual

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some functions, such as charging unit counters. These functions are
only available if supported by your SIM card.
If you key in an incorrect PIN2 code three times in succession, the
PIN2 will be locked. To unlock the PIN2, you’d key in the PUK2
code and press OK soft key (or OK key), and key in a new PIN2 code
PUK code
The PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code is required to change a
blocked PIN code. The PUK code may be supplied with the SIM card.
If not, contact your local service provider for the code.
If you key in an incorrect PUK code ten times in succession, the SIM
card cannot be used anymore. Contact your service provider for a new
You cannot change the PUK code. If you lose the code, contact your
service provider.
PUK2 code
The PUK2 code, supplied with some SIM cards, is required to change
a blocked PIN2 code.
If you key in an incorrect PUK2 code ten times in succession, you
cannot use the functions requiring the PIN2 code. Contact your
service provider for a new card.
You cannot change the PUK2 code. If you lose the code, contact your
service provider.