User's Manual

. All out: To select this item, the phone will be restricted to dial any
calls (except the urgent calls)
. Out intl: To select this item, the phone will be restricted dialing the
international calls.
. Out x home: To select this item, the phone will restrict dialing the
international calls except to your home country.
. ALL in: To select this item, it will restrict all incoming calls.
In if abr: To select this item, it will restrict all incoming calls when
. Status: To select this item, you can query the present state.
. Cancel all: To select this item, the phone will allow dialing and
answering all the calls.
Note: You need to input the PIN2 code to set above functions.
6-3. Log Manager
When you enter this menu, a calendar is displayed with the current
date indicated by a point.
Scrolling through the Calendar
1.You can move the underscore to Year, Month and Day fields by
pressing e or f.
2.When the desired field is underlined, press the c or d to move up
or down the date.
You can also enter the desired date using the number keypad.