User's Manual

For example: Make the settings as the above diagrams show, the
phone will reminds you that Jan 18 is Ran’s birthday at 7:00 on Jan 17.
2. Log view
(1) View the schedules you’ve set, press
or to scroll through these
(2) Select desired one, press Option soft key.
Modify: Make some modifications to this note.
Log Delete: Delete this note.
3. Alarm Ring: Select the type of alarm ringing.
4. Log Delete: Delete the schedules.
One By One
Log Set
1 Log Label
2 Call
2 Anniversary
Ok ▲▼ Cancel
Input time
24 hour mode
Ok ▲▼ Cancel
abc @ Anniver
Jan. 18-Ran’s
Ok ▲▼ Back
Ahead Of Time
1 On Time
2. An Hour
3 One Day
Ok ▲▼ Cancel