User manual

GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 9
5.3.5 Status indicator: The green indicator keep flashing 1 time every
second after acquire GSM signal; and every 3 seconds under GPRS state.
The red indicator keeps on when charging and turn off after fully charged. It
is off if voltage of battery is normal.
The blue indicator keep flashing 1 time every second after acquire GPS
5.4 Initialization
Send “begin+password” in SMS to the unit, it will reply “begin ok” and
initialize all the settings. (Default password: 123456)
For example, send SMS begin123456” to the tracker via a cell phone, if
succeeded, if will reply “begin ok”.
5.5 Change the password
5.5.1 Set Password: Send sms: “password+old password+space+new
password” to the unit to change the password.
For Example, pls send sms: “password123456 888888” to terminal device, it
will reply sms: “password OK”. New password 888888 changed in success.
5.5.2 Be sure to keep the new password in mind, you have to upload the
software to restore the original setting in case of losing the new password.
5.5.2 Attention: Make sure the new password is in 6 digits Arabic numbers,
or else the tracker cannot recognize the password.
5.5.3 The “+” in the command, please don’t type “+”, space means press the
space keyboard on your cell phone.
5.6 Authorization
There are 5 numbers to be allowed to authorize in the tracker at most. Be
sure to set the authorization phone number before use. Only after setting the
authorization phone number can receive SMS alarm and call the
authorization phone number by SOS button on tracker.